Summer 2005

Our friends of Saudi times, David and Ann from Sunderland and Domy and Yves from Orleans, will bring us and our luggage to the marina in Italy. We cross the Alps via Garmisch and the Brenner Pass. Unfortunately, it rains the whole time; Ann will never believe there are actually mountains in the Alps! We stock up our bubbly supply in Prosecco country. As we reach Punta Gabbiani, it is pouring with rain. Somehow, I remembered fine Italian weather quite differently.


The following day, the sky is bright blue - who would have thought! We count our blessings and take the train to Venice.

There is always something new to discover. This is the oldest bridge in Venice - if the guide book can be believed.

aelteste Bruecke

In the evening, we are knackered, but the Brits and Frenchies got their first impression of Venice.

the Gang

They leave us the following day and now it is only "Geriatrix" and us - well, almost, because there are still lots of things to do before we can start our big trip. It takes us a week to get ready; the lousy weather and waiting gets on our nerves.

the start