July 19: At the white beach of Ölu Deniz we meet the "Geraldine" again. But we don't like the place where they are, too much rolling. Not very far is a small bay highly recommended as insider tip.

Maybe some time ago but not anymore. As soon as we moored to the right and left of us two huge touristboats squeeze in. We even need fenders between.

Luckily the wind blows in the other direction and saves us from the smell of the barbeques.

After one hour the nightmare will be gone - we think. Nach einer Stunde ist der Spuk vorbei, denken wir. When Rainer brings me ahore the next big one arrives and one after the other comes and goes till sunset. Rainer is closed to a nervous breakdown and would have been long gone if I would not have wondered of across the mountain to the abandoned Greek city Kayagöcu. Today the only inhabitants are sheeps and lizards.

In the small bay icecold water appears from a well. All the tourist boats have this well on their program. Only after sunset it is quiet again.

July 20: When we hoist our anchor we bring also the chain of our neighbor up. We manage to free ourself but the fish hook we got from Yves dissapears in the water.

The swell rolls us back and forth, it is impossible to set sails. Therefor there is not a hint of a wind in the samll city of kalkab. There is still room enough but the unfriendly harbourmaster puts the boats very tied together. Obviously he knows what he is doing, at night it is jam-packed. The anchor chains criss-cross in the little harbour. The fees are quite expensive but no service at all. On top of it the quay is used as garbage dump and the smell is not very pleasant. But our Turkish neighors are very nice and the little city itself has a nice athmosphere.

July 21: The dive boats were the last to come last night, means their anchor chain is across everybody elses. Sure enough one brings our chain up by hoisting his anchor. But obvioulsy they are used to that in no time all boats are free in the morning. It is not very far to Kastelorizon. By arriving there is lots of space but this changes in the evening. Next to us is a nice old ship the"Odin" of Holger and Florian, father and son from Hamburg
July 22nd: We don't sleep too good, the swell is too strong. Obviuosly the two from the "odin" have the same problem. That's why both boats leave Kastelorizon very early but of course at this hour no wind at all. Therefore we reach the Polemos Bucht very early and can catch up the missed sleep. Luckily the "Geraldine" arrives in the afternoon with still lots of beer, because ours is already gone.

Against different rumors every once in while Rainer takes a swim.

July 23rd: From the end of the bay it takes 20 minutes to reach the other side of the peninsula. We walk to the old Lykian ruined city. The hill is blotched with lots of sarcophagus. Maybe it used to be a coffin factory...

Opposite to the weatherforecast it starts to blow very heavy in the afternoon.

July 24th: In the Kekova passage we overtake the "Geraldine". Benedikt practises fender catching. For a short time we can set sails but then it is definitely over for this trip.

July 25th: The heat in Finike is intolerable, only a swim in the ocean cools a bit down.

to Marmaris by car

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